Sunday, April 28, 2013

Monday, April 29th

Back Squat (5-5-5-5) for total load.
Then: 3 rounds for time,
400m Sandbag carry (40/20)
8 Toes to Bar
8 Push Press (95/63)
4 Tire Flips

Tuesday, April 30th

Hang Clean (2-2-2)
Hang Clean + Split Jerk (1+2, 1+2, 1+2)
Front Squat (3-3-3) from the rack
Then: 12 minute Amrap of,
4 Turkish get-ups (35/26)
8 deficit push-ups
12 KB high pulls

Wednesday, May 1st

12 minutes of skills practice;
rope climb, double-unders, kipping, butterfly.
Then: for time,
21 -15 -9
Pull ups
KB Swings
Box Jumps

Thursday, May 2nd

Snatch high pulls (3-3-3)
OHS (2-2-2-2-2)
Snatch (1)x10
Then: 3 rounds for time
30 Goblet Lunges
20 Slam Balls
10 Burpee's

Friday, May 3rd

Dead Lift (3-3-3) for total load.
10 minutes of handstand work (push-ups, holds, walks)
Then: 12 minute Amrap of,
5 C2B pull-ups
5 Ring Dips
5 Clusters (95/63)

Saturday, May 4th

0900 Team Wod

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Monday, April 22nd

3X Max Effort Deficit Push-ups (45lb Plates)
 *90 seconds rest between.
Then: For Time
  800 meter run
20 pull-ups
  4 push press (95/63)
16 pull-ups
  8 push press (95/63)
12 pull-ups
12 push press (95/63)
  8 pull-ups
16 push press (95/63)
  4 pull-ups
20 push press (95/63)
  400 meter run

Tuesday, April 23rd

Power Clean + Front Squat
(based on 1RM front squat)
at 70% (3+3, 3+3, 3+3)
at 80% (2+2, 2+2, 2+2)
at 90% (1+1, 1+1)

Then: 12 minute Amrap of,
5 Ring Dips
10 Burpee Box Jumps

Wednesday, April 24th

EMOM for 7 minutes,
Clean High Pull + Squat Clean & Jerk
* based on 80% 1RM Push Press.

Then: 9 - 15 - 21
Wall Balls (20/14)
Toes 2 Bar

Thursday, April 25th

Power Snatch + OHS
(based on 1RM OHS)
at 70% (2+2, 2+2, 2+2)
at 80% (2+1, 2+1)
at 90% (1+1)

Snatch High Pull + Full Squat Snatch
(based on 1RM OHS)
at 70% (2+1, 2+1, 2+1)
at 80% (2+1, 2+1)
at 90% (2+1)
1RM Full Squat Snatch

Then: 8 minute Amrap of,
15 KB Swings
20 Sit-ups
30 Double Unders

Friday, April 26th

Dead Lift (2-2-2) for total load.
Then: For Time
200 Slam Balls
Start EMOM with 3 Thrusters (95/63)
*Start off each minute with 3 Thrusters until 200 slam balls are completed.

Saturday, April 27th

9am Team Wod

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Monday, April 15th

Strict Should Press (2-2-2) for total load.
Then: 3 Rounds for time,
200m Sand bag carry (40/20)
30 Thrusters (75/45)
20 Box Jumps
10 Toes 2 Bar

Tuesday, April 16th

10 minutes to establish 1RM OH Squat
Then: Based on 1RM Snatch,
Hang Power Snatch + Full Squat Snatch
at 70% (2+1, 2+1, 2+1)
at 80% (2+1, 2+1)
at 90% (1+1)
Full Squat Snatch from the ground
at 80% (3, 3, 3)
at 85% (2, 2, 2)
at 90% (2, 2)
at 100% (x1 for PR)
*Athlete must rest at least 1 minute between sets.
Then: 2 Rounds for time,
50 Slam Balls
25 Russian Twist

Wednesday, April 17th

3X Max Effort Ring Dips / 90 seconds rest between
5 minutes of Double Under practice.
Then: For time,
200m OH Plate walk (45/25)
25 C2B Pull-ups
200m OH Plate walk (45/25)
25 Dead Lifts (135/95)
200m OH Plate walk (45/25)
25 Burpees
*If athlete unable to perform C2B without assist, scale to Pull-up.

Thursday, April 18th

Based on 1RM Front Squat...
Power Clean + Squat Clean
at 70% (2+2, 2+2, 2+2)
at 80% (1+2, 1+2, 1+2)
at 90% (1+2, 1+2)
Squat Clean + Push Jerk
at 75% (1+2, 1+2, 1+2)
at 85% (1+2, 1+2)
at 100% (1time for PR)
Front Squat
at 75% (5, 5, 5)
at 80% (3, 3, 3)
at 90% (2, 2, 2)
at 100% (1time for PR)
* Athlete will rest at least one minute between each set.

Friday, April 19th

5X 250m Row Sprints / 2 minutes rest between each.
Then: For Time
1 minute Max Effort KB Swings
1 minute Rest
Then; 3 rounds of
20 Push-ups
20 KB Sumo High Pulls (53/35)
20 Goblet Lunges (53/35)
1 minute rest
1 minute Max Effort KB Swings
*Score is time plus reps on KB Swings.

Saturday, April 20th

0900 Team Wod

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Monday, April 8th

10 minutes to establish 1RM front squat.
5 minutes of double under practice.
Then: For time,
20 burpees
800 meter run
8 overhead squats (95/63)
400 meter run
12 overhead squats
200 meter run
16 overhead squats
20 burpees

Tuesday, April 9th

Hang Snatch from the hip (2-2-2-2),
*hang snatch shrug from the hip if not proficient in snatch.
Power Snatch from mid thigh (3-3-3),
*snatch high pull from mid thigh if not proficient in snatch.
Snatch high pull + Squat snatch from above knee (3+1, 3+1, 3+1, 3+1).
3x Max Effort weighted Sit-ups.
*At least one minute rest between each set.

Wednesday, April10th

Dead Lift (2-2-2) for total load.
1 km row for time.
12 minute Amrap of;
5 C2B pull-ups
10 V-ups
15 Wall Balls

Thursday, April 11th

10 minute to establish and perform;
20 rep max low bar back squat.
5 minutes practice: handstand walk / handstand holds
EMOM for 10 minutes, for total reps;
Even minutes: T2B
Odd minutes: Push-ups
*Athlete will choose set reps for each round. Do not
push to failure, goal is to perform same amount of reps
each round while budgeting in rest time.

Friday, April 12th

5x 100m sprints for total time.
* Rest while walking backward to start.
... 50 KB Swings (53/35) for time,
... 2 minute Amrap of Air Squats,
... 3 minute Amrap of Push Press (96/63),
... 4 minute Amrap of C2B Pull-ups,
... 5 minute Amrap of Burpee Box Jumps .
* Rest 1 minute between each Amrap.

Saturday, April 13th

0800 Olympic Lifting Class
0900 Team Wod